Man I just totally blew my calorie intake for the day. Man I love french silk pie from village inn though (580 calories for a slice). So I ate exactly 1800 calories. I did take an extra walk tonight though.
I need to lose 20lbs. My goal is to do this by my 12th wedding anniversary, Which is in 11 weeks (September 13th). That means I need to lose 1.8 lbs a week.
The Plan
I am going to watch my diet. (1500 cal per day) I will take Sundays off. I will work out 5 days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will do cardio. Tuesday and Thursday weights. I will keep a journal and update this blog daily.
My Rewards
Besides the reward of being healthy and trim. I am going to give myself rewards for every 5 lbs. I lose. My starting weight is 168 lbs ( No gasping from my weight I am 5ft 8in) 163 lbs = My eyebrows tinted and waxed. 158 lbs = A pedicure 153 lbs = ???? 148 lbs = lazer hair removel (that will be sweet)
I think it will be ok. You are working hard and you can't deney yourself every treat, ya know? It's fine!